We are here to take care of all of your application needs.
Hello, World!
  1. The art of a good API
    The art of a good API
    I am not a coder and I love simplicity! I like simple APIs and this site will show you the power of APIs by APIs which look fun, simple and easy!
  2. The Value on an API
    The Value on an API
    For me, APIs can enable agility for even the biggest companies enabling digital transformation and innovation, if done correctly!
  3.  I <3 OAS
    I <3 OAS
    Swagger and Open API Specification are the most underrated developments, so here it is on the main page!
Who is the API Guy
Most people still call me Harold Wiegers, my official titles have been API Platform manager, API Product Manager and officially I am now Senior API pre-sales Consultant. When ever I went to conferences or visited other companies I always felt better calling myself the API guy.. so why not make a website of it..

I guess that makes it official....

want to know more.. call my API @ api.axway.training:8080/harold
Get in touch!
one of the reasons for making this website was for people to easily get in toch, i would love to hear about your API journey! connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter!
feel free to connect on github

If you are in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Auckland or Wellington that is good, so am I. If you like to have coffee while talking API feel free to reach out!